
About Us

Since 2002 we have been providing information security services, developing software and data networks. During our existence we have realized both small and large projects for many Czech and foreign customers.

We have got a stable technological facilities including not only servers co-located on the Internet backbone in our own AS with our own IP addresses but also an electro-technical laboratory equipped for modern electronics development and analysis. We are doing prototype 3D printing of our devices as well.

As many serious companies on the market we are also well-versed in ISO9001:2008 and ISO27001:2015 standards. Both systems are not just a set of internal directives for us but we are constantly doing our best to actually adhere to these standards in our projects and security management.

Our Team

  • Dominik P

    Dominik P

    Founder and researcher

  • Lucie Z

    Lucie Z

    Full stack designer

  • Jana H

    Jana H

    Server administrator

  • Anna P

    Anna P


Sample References

Over the years many companies with world-wide presence and government organizations have used our services to satisfy their specific needs in our fields of endeavor. Many of these references cannot be shared publicly but here is a small selection to highlight our impact:

Professional Organizations Membership

We are an active member of both CZ.NIC and RIPE and therefore we are able to observe and influence the latest development and practical deployments of modern networking technologies and standards.

Open Source Development

The systems we use and continually develop rely on many open-source tools and libraries and whenever possible we try to give back to the community.

Our contributions to the Racket language include improvements of the language compiler and runtime libraries like futures sort for parallel computation, Unicode Tables for better terminal data visualization or datadef library for simplifying webservices back-end implementation.

An optimizing compiler for the Qi language is another improvement for something we regularly use to speed up analysis of captured data during security auditing.

Recently some of our focus had to shift towards cryptography review of the Rclone tool - where it can be expected to have more impact in the future.

As we are sometimes in need of the ability to compile our programs to native code while leveraging the benefits of high-level languages, we closely follow and try to help with CHICKEN Scheme compiler development - especially when it comes to advanced expander features and low-level functionality.

Sponsorship and Community Support

We are a proud supporter of the first Czech Hackerspace Brmlab where we provide our computing and networking capacity for free.

In the past we have sponsored the programming language theory conference RacketFest.

Throughout our history we have sponsored and gave talks at the OpenWeekeND conference, InstallFest and LinuxDays conferences - usuall about security, cryptography and open-source development. Strictly about security our participation was for example at the SecPublica or OWASP conferences.