Our Services

We focus on three main areas of interest in the information technology field:

  1. Software development
  2. Applied cryptography
  3. Information networks

Our products and services are built upon the foundations in these three areas and we always do our best for ensuring the resulting product contains the best of them.

Uncommon Software Development

If you need a software that can be developed by other companies in the market, you probably do not need us. But if your needs are highly specific, you are forced to use exotic platforms or smooth deployment and future maintenance is of utmost importance to you – we are here for you and we are happy to discuss with you what we can develop for you.

Companies in need of customized Open Source software with functionality guarantees often employ our services. In this manner we are developing and maintaining plugins and extensions for example for the Request-Tracker ticket system or Nagios monitoring solution.

We use an extensive scale of technologies for the development process. From micro-controller programming or custom embedded Linux distribution based on the Yocto project up to massively parallel processing of various kinds of data. Using industry standard formats like XML or JSON and strong focus on using existing tools and libraries allow us to rapidly develop what we need.

If there is no other way, we also develop our own hardware for our application stack.

Security and Applied Cryptography

Such a broad term like security requires for full understanding adequate theoretical and practical background. We are actively dealing with all aspects of information security imaginable – sometimes slightly unimaginable. We are using a broad set of development and organizational methods for ensuring confidentiality, integrity and availability of data. If it is necessary, we are ready not only to test against possible attackers from the network but also check physical security on premises. We have audited server room situated in a nuclear shelter only once though.

One of the crucial tools used for ensuring data security is applied cryptography. Ensuring data confidentiality requires understanding the encryption algorithms used and guaranteeing its integrity is impossible without actually knowing how the underlying hashing functions work. These are the foundation stones of public key infrastructure with certificates and certificate authorities. We can help you with properly setting up such systems and training your staff so public key infrastructure are not just empty words but actual security measures for the better.

We are always trying to be on the cutting edge of applied cryptography, that is why we are always tracking latest cryptography standards and standard drafts. We often deploy systems using elliptic curve cryptography encryption and digital signatures or ensure encrypted connections cannot be tampered with from the outside.

Systems Design and Implementation

Creating something new or taking care of data confidentiality is usually just a beginning of many projects. Hardware, software and security measurements have to be put into the perspective when writing an implementation plan. Our services include both planning and implementation of such systems.

We usually do all the hard work until the systems deployment and then we train your staff so you do not need us for maintenance. Of course, for critical systems we are ready to help your staff with proper maintenance.

All the systems are designed with operational risks in mind. We are not afraid of high-availability and redundancy technologies. We have a long time experience with data replication, virtualization or for example clustering. And if it is what you need, we can build you your own private cloud on the OpenStack technological foundation.