Tag: cryptography

ECC beauty and legacy beast

Written by Dominik Joe Pantůček on 2016-04-14

Picture yourself in an Abelian group on a two-dimensional finite field with identity point at the infinity and group generator...

Sometimes technology resembles psychedelic pictures of the 60's - in a good way. Elliptic curve cryptography primitives are an example of such technology. When - as a programmer - you dive into them, you find yourself in a spectacularly simple yet effective machine. I am still talking about the ECC! While working on a project which uses ECC primitives I started wondering: why only a handful of protocols use these? Why is such beautiful tool as ECDSA left alone in the corner and everyone dances with bigger and bigger hammers like RSA?


SecPublica 2016

Written by Dominik Joe Pantůček on 2016-04-07

I have had a tremendous opportunity to be a speaker at the SecPublica 2016 security conference held in Prague on 31st March. All the speakers - including myself - gave the talks in Czech and therefore the presentation slides and videos are useful only for you guys from the Czech (and Slovak) Republic.

Feel free to check them out for yourself at http://www.secpublica.cz/2016/. There are however a few things worth noting from my preparations for this talk I would like to write here about.
