Tag: rclone


Controlling Rclone in Racket

Written by Dominik Pantůček on 2024-12-05


Analyzing cryptographic systems usage with respect to how the users interact with it sometimes requires programmatically simulating their actions. It is no different with our recent work on rclone cryptographic keys handling. However we are lucky that Racket provides all the functionality we needed!


LinuxDays Videos are Available

Written by Dominik Pantůček on 2024-11-07


As has been announced earlier, I had the opportunity to talk about recent rclone developments at the LinuxDays conference. Although the talk started at 10AM, the auditorium was crowded and it turns out many people were actually very interested how it is possible to ensure decent confidentiality when using public cloud object storage services!


Rclone 1.68 Released

Written by Dominik Pantůček on 2024-10-10


In a previous blog two months ago we have shown an ongoing progress on improving protection of secret keys in rclone configuration. On 8th September 2024 new version 1.68 has been released which finally contains all the building blocks for implementing such protection in a very user-friendly manner. Let us see the important new features of this version.


Rclone YubiKey Integration Progress

Written by Dominik Pantůček on 2024-08-01


The well-known rclone tool for accessing and synchronizing cloud-based storage can have its configuration encrypted using a symmetric cipher with password-derived key. However some elaborate work is needed to provide a higher protection of the configuration secrets - for example using the YubiKey 5 security token. There is alredy some development under way to streamline such usage.
