Step-by-step Windows file encrypting and decrypting from context menu

Written by Lída Hrnčířová on August 20, 2020.

You don’t always want to encrypt an email but maybe, just maybe, only the file you want to send – or even keep encrypted just for yourself. In today’s article we will share with you our step-by-step guide on how to encrypt files right from the context/explorer menu!

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Cryptoucan™ usage: Changing PIN in Kleopatra

Written by Lída Hrnčířová on June 27, 2019.

It’s important to set your own PIN codes once you get your Cryptoucan™. In this week’s guide for Outlook e-mail client you’re going to learn how to do it on Windows using Kleopatra. You can also see all the steps of this process in the instructional video at the bottom of this post.

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